5 ways to Energise and Improve neutral colour schemes for Aged Care

Neutral colour schemes might be the “go-to” choice for aged care design.

They’re usually used because they’re non-threatening, safe and can have calming effects on patients.

But are they just too bland? Do they need a boost?

Here are 5 ways to energise and improve on neutral schemes:

  1. Continue to use neutrals as a base colour for instance, on floors and most walls, but take them one step further by using a featured energising colour on selected wall areas and doors.
  2. Since older people suffer from a reduction in contrast perception ability to the extent that they find it difficult to differentiate between subtle changes in their environment, it’s a great opportunity to use prominent colours to contrast objects in the foreground.
    For instance, neutral walls might have darker built-in joinery in front or lighter fabrics on furniture might be placed against darker walls for full visibility.
  3. Select colours that allow for ageing vision and visual ability by combining light colours, such as yellow or green, with dark colours, such as red or blue, to produce the most effective contrasts.

    Neutral colored vases, photo frame and stack of books on bureau shelf

  4. Use colour and pattern in fabrics as a feature to run through various pieces of furniture and furnishings, but be selective so as not to overpower. Keep pattern selection for fabrics reasonably calming and non-confusing.
  5. Use clear colour contrasts on skirting boards and mid-rails so that wall and floor junctions can be distinguished easily.
    Neutral walls might be contrasted by using a heavier, sharp colour within the same colour family.

A pointer: Be careful not to overuse any particular colour to the extent that it could be overly stimulating.  Be measured in approach!


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