What’s Trending in Educational Fitouts

When we think of building education spaces these days for our clients, words like “integration”, “collaboration”, “flexibility” and “mobility” are everyday words.

There’s so much change in universities and schools, that we all need to keep up!

Here’s what we notice is trending in education fitouts.

Formal  Spaces are shrinking:

These are more traditional spaces for structured learning as we probably have known them.
They’re becoming less and less.
Classes are still scheduled at specific times, but spaces are changing.
Don’t think the traditional classroom as we know it with teacher out front. -think zones now, where teaching can shift from one area to another within the room.
There might still be organised seating but furniture is more mobile with castors, pod stools, low height partitioning replacing fixed seats and walls.
The word “classroom” is fading and “learning space” is taking over.

Schoolchildren in IT Class Using Computers

Informal spaces are blooming:

Informal spaces are popping up everywhere on learning campuses.
They’re more “open go” places with no timetabling, allowing for open access.
These are spots both quiet and collaborative.
Depending on what type of learning activities and technology are being used at the time, personal choices can be made by students about where to learn.
The private nook is emerging as a favoured place for quiet learning.

There’s a community or village atmosphere.

School and Uni campuses these days know that learning involves interacting, contributing and heaps of personal thinking, so a village environment where people come together and separate is now the thing.
Cafés, media / technology hubs and private “getaway” areas all are becoming part of a learning “village” in senior schools and without doubt, in universities.
Public green spaces are big.
They invite students to gather together which reinforces a sense of community.

Libraries are looking different:

Gone are the seas of desks and workstations where everyone sits, tip toeing  and whispering.
Enter the more dynamic library space.
We’re seeing comfortably styled armchairs built with outlets on the side, circular tables boasting a built-in power supply and charging stations everywhere.
There’s also lots of soft – line seating, random cushions thrown for relaxing on the floor, tiered or sunken lounge areas for lying, sitting or perching with an I Pad or laptop.
Libraries are moving with the times.

Welcome the new generation of educational workspaces!


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