Easy Ways to create a point of difference for your retail shop

Convenience, Convenience.

You may have noticed that now, more than ever, it’s all about convenience, particularly in the retail fitout world.
Making shopping easier for customers is top of the tree.
Shop design and layout needs to address the current convenience trend.
A gold coast retail fitout design team knows the ropes of leading customers through a retail space, enticing them to interact with the merchandise so that the shopping experience ends up in a greater basket spend.
To work on a quality design, conduct an imaginary “walk through”. Enter the fitout, turn right at first (most people do), move through the store, gaining maximum exposure to what’s on sale, slow everyone down by creating little breaks to enjoy along the journey: visual cues, in other words.
Then lead them to the counter where they stop and spend.

It’s all about Personal Service and Interaction.

Give the escalating online demand for goods and services a run for their money!
Let’s face it, so many types of businesses are being hit hard by the “online tsunami”.
We can’t beat it so we’ve got to embrace it!
Include in the fitout, seating for the elderly or disabled, height-friendly counters, aisles which are wide enough for
the comfort of prams and wheelchairs.
Offer more interaction through creating special events to promote your product or services or opportunities for
your customers to see how your business works.
Get to know your customers’ names and interests, offer rewards for loyalty. Extra services like local delivery or
special discounts can draw them to you.

The Buzzword is “Be Local”.

Connect with your local suppliers.
If you have a shop, café or restaurant, celebrate local produce.
Let everyone know about it.
Shout about it in your signage, in social media.
Make people aware you’re using local supplies, local talent or local services.
Everyone loves the “home grown” idea.
As an extra sweetener, try to offer lower prices for local products and services. Promote “fresh” if you can too.

Display and Signage are your Weapons.

Display and signage, particularly in retail, but certainly in so many other types of businesses, is really your most
powerful weapon.
Tell the story of your brand in your frontage displays and your signage.
Before a customer steps into your commercial fitout, they have faced a decision to enter or not.
Display and signage are the most likely factors in influencing that decision.
Your fitout team can assist in creating a shopfront which maximises space and impact for display.
Then there are heaps of ways of visually promoting your brand: by being bold, by being topical, by focusing on
only one item, by inventing a theme and so on. Don’t forget to change it often to maintain customer interest.

Improving your Bottom Line

Be willing to listen to your customers. Listening and observing their habits are great tools to use. The next step to
improve your bottom line can be right in front of you!


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